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Hire an M-Files Project Manager

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Project Package 2

Certified M-Files Project Manager

Why hire a Certified M-Files Project Manager?


Right, you’ve purchased an M-Files solution from a certified partner, now you’re stuck on what to do next. There is no project Manager within your organisation and now you’re thinking sh*t now what.

Have no fear, RSS are here! You need to hire one of our certified M-Files Project Managers.

All of our M-Files Project Managers are fully certified and have many years of experience in successfully delivering M-Files solutions using best practices specifically designed for the delivery of the full software development life cycle of M-Files.

Our PM’s have delivered M-Files solutions to every type of industry and at all different project phases, even successfully troubleshooting failing projects - We secretly love these types of projects. The skills we have honed over the years allows us to instantly understand how to solve your problems and smash project delivery. Whoop!

Implementing an M-Files project within your organisation will definitely not be our first rodeo, we can hit the ground running and instantly become a valuable asset to your team.

On top of loving what we do, we also have the personality to match the skills. We deliver all M-Files projects to a high standard and with the utmost professionalism but most importantly with a smile and a few jokes thrown into our
project team calls too.


What benefits do we bring to your organisation


Our question to you is why spend £££££ on an M-Files solution with no way to implement it correctly at your end. We
guarantee it’ll cost you more to rectify the issues than it will be to hire an RSS M-Files Certified Project Manager!

Here are a few benefits we instantly bring to your organisation...

Improvement on Productivity, Reduces Costs and Workload

The ultimate goal of implementing M-Files solutions is planning efficiency. You want to do as much as possible in as little time as possible.

A certified M-Files project manager will help your organisation create an optimised methodology.

Once we’ve created processes, templates, and procedures, you’ll be able to follow them well into the future! This will automatically mitigate risks and improve your efficiency. You’re very welcome 🙂

We do this by:

  • Creating a detailed project plan that contains:
    The proper way to implement M-Files! Information from each workstream and other stakeholders, resources, a work breakdown structure, and a timeline with milestones.
  • Break down the project into tasks and clearly define
    task owners, task dependencies, due dates, and resources.
  • Using Gantt charts to monitor individual team members’ workloads and ensure no one is heading for a breakdown!
  • Keeping the project team, supplier and top management in
    the loop, by agreeing on check-in points where we will provide a full status update on the progress.
  • Creating a change policy before starting the project. If the project grows in scope or stakeholders want to make changes, make sure you reference the policy to assess if it’s viable and if you’re risking going over budget or being late.
  • Deciding on the Project Methodology, using Agile we can try a Kanban or Scrum board in Jira or DevOps for project tracking.
  • Getting the team’s feedback on your project and task plans, make sure they can always access the project plan, as well as update it. We consider using a project management tool to improve transparency. We work to your budget.

Improves Collaboration

When everything related to an M-Files project is structured and team members know exactly what they need to be doing at any given time, we find it much easier to manage them.

Our process:

  • Use PM tools to keep everyone on the same page.
    For example, we like to use a Microsoft Project. Everyone will have immediate access to tasks and task details, and they won’t have to waste time looking for information.
  • Defining roles clearly and accurately. When we delegate tasks, we make sure the task owners understand their responsibilities. Check in daily with them to offer help or feedback, and make sure they’re staying on track.
  • Understanding the stakeholders and creating communication plans. Firstly, we have to understand your team and what drives them. Then, we analyse clients and top management. Create a communication plan for every stakeholder group so no one’s left in the dark.

Improves Team Satisfaction

Let’s be real: we are the project manager.Which means we are the ones responsible for keeping everyone happy. Now, this can be a tricky thing to do. Also, personally getting a therapist certainly helps!

But with a little project management magic added to the mix, we will help you see how easy it can be to meet the team's expectations.

We do this by:

  • Understanding the project team expectations and communicating clearly. In the initiation phase, we make sure all stakeholders are clear about project objectives and their own expectations. Once we understand their expectations, we structure clear deliverables and get their approval. ✅ ✅ ✅
  • Preparing the necessary documentation: Project Initiation Document / Project Business Case, Project
    Charter, RAID and Change Policy are some of the most important documents to ensure project governance.
  • Monitoring risks and preparing a plan for mitigating them. We assess the IT project clearly after creating a work breakdown structure. We ask ourselves (And the team) Are we likely to go over budget? Do we think we’ll have to make changes to the scope? We understand the
    risks instead of ignoring them.

Help with Problem Resolution

There are always problems in projects. (*sigh) After all, there are a lot of moving parts involved. However, when using a project management methodology, we always know exactly how to approach a problem.

A structured way of organising work helps us nip problems in the bud or notice them before they wreak havoc on our projects!

We do this by:

  • Establishing a risk management process.
  • By noting every change and problem in your change/issue log.
  • Creating communication plans for every stakeholder group, and stick to them.
  • Updating the project and task plans with every new accepted change to understand how they’ll reflect on the entirety of the project.
  • Using our M-Files training knowledge and experience to
    ensure any problems are resolved before they happen!

Daily Rates start from £700+VAT

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To discuss your M-Files Project in more detail

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Contact Jen directly on +44151 7050508 to discuss your project in more
detail or email at

You can even go one step further and book a
121 meeting via this link:

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